
Atom-Bomb Bikini


Old-Timey Hockey Tales

Image of Old-Timey Hockey Tales

Celebrate the Golden Age of the coolest sport on earth!

ALL-NEW Book Three: Thrill to the adventures of Larry Kwong, Ace Bailey, Aurel Joliat, the 74-75 Capitals, and MANY MORE! All stories by Rob Ullman.
Available in TWO cover options, please specify when you order!
28 color and black and white pages, $6

Book Two: Stories include Bill Masterton, Alfie Moore, Gerry Cheevers, the Miracle on Manchester and MORE, all by Rob Ullman.
28 color and black and white pages, $6

Book One: Tales about Gordie Howe, Michel Briere, Lester Patrick and the Rocket Richard Riot, by Rob Ullman and Jeffrey Brown.
32 color and black and white pages, $6

Please choose which issue (or issues) you want under the "Options" tab!